Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The first step

It's ironic that I'm starting a blog that will be mostly about running on a day that I didn't run. I have a cold and a bum ankle (mostly out of sheer stupidity, but that's neither here nor there). Also ironic, is that I don't have much to say today. I always have my best thoughts during a run, which is what inspired me to start a blog in the first place. Not that my thoughts are momentous revelations or anything, I just feel the need to share (or subject others to) my random musings. I know, you're welcome. Rest assured, the contents of my mind are not relegated to the misguided athletic pursuits of a twenty-something mommy. I will regale you with caprice and whimsy, and most assuredly a snippet or two from my plan for the zombie apocalypse.

Alas, today is really just a test run so I can more accurately format my page. Haha, I've tricked you into reading already! So, with that, I'm off to find another box of tissues. Actual content shall be posted at a later time :)

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